Mac App Store Premiere
Screen Grabber v2.1 is out and available on Mac App Store. This new version have updated graphics and integrates better with Quicktime. Movie files are found by the systems file types, instead of a hard coded list of file extensions, this should be future proof for new movie file types as long as the new codecs correctly register themselves.
Screen Grabber v2.0.1 added only a few small bug-fixes related to QuickTime codecs, and added translations for:
- French by Aurélien Chaudagne
- Japanese by Christopher Li
- Swedish by Fredrik Olsson
- Traditional Chinese by Jack M.H. Lin
If you want to make a translation for another language, or have ideas for for what feature to add, improve, or remove(?) forfuture updates then send me an e-mail.
ScreenGrabber 2.1
ScreenGrabber 2.1 is a Mac OS X application for grabbing screen shots at
even timeintervals from a movie. Very useful for creating previews, and
Version 2.0 is a complete rewrite of ScreenGrabber 1.0 adding many features,
slimming the code base, and a much better platform for continued development.
New features are (User configurable):
- Batch process movie files, and/or directories.
- Embed movie information:
- Embed image timestamps.
- Spiffy borders.
- Image spacing..
- Background colour
- Nerd features:
- Uses bindings.
- Component based (Automator anyone?).
- Multithreaded (Incomplete support in QTKit).